Sunday 14 August 2016

The Somme News - No. 6

Day thirty-nine of the Battle of the Somme and the British fighting at Guillemont continues. By the end of the day, the station and northern parts of the village have been captured but the southern end hasn't as of yet.

Renewed Allied attacks against Guillemont during day forty have sadly failed.

Day forty-one has unfortunately brought the rain again. Despite this, spirits are high as King George 5th visited the front earlier today, with Rawlinson showing His Majesty the craters at Bois Francais. Whilst on this visit, the King told Rawlinson of a Cabal back in England that is set to oust Haig as well as curbing the current offensive. The members of the cabal include Lord French, Winston Churchill and F.E. Smith. In other news, British soldiers have made progress north west of Pozieres.

Day forty-two has been a stormy day with no other events to report. Soldiers have spent the day writing to loved ones, as well as resting and preparing for tomorrow. 

Although raining, day forty-three has seen British soldiers advance a mile on the front north west of Pozieres.

Day forty-four of the battle has seen the 15th Division take Muster Alley.

Remember to check back on the 21st August for the latest news.

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