Sunday 28 August 2016

The Somme News - No.8

Day fifty-three of the Battle of the Somme has seen two very determined counter-attacks led by German soldiers south of Thiepval beaten off. Whilst this was taking place, Henry Rawlinson received a visit from Douglas Haig, who paid a visit to chide Henry about Guillemont still not being in British hands this far into the battle.

Day fifty-four of the battle and fighting is continuing in the south of Thiepval, whilst strong German attacks at Guillemont have been fought off. Henry Rawlinson has also just received the news that twelve of the news weapons called tanks have arrived and will soon commence in battle.

Day fifty-five has been a busy day. Further progress has been made by the British soldiers towards Thiepval and to the north-west part of Delville wood, whilst numerous German attacks to the west of Ginchy have been driven off.

Day fifty-six of the Battle of the Somme has, despite constant heavy rain, seen a German attack situated at the south of Thiepval repulsed. I am pleased to report that the enemy has also been driven out of Delville Wood and a line has been established along the north east edge.

Day fifty-seven and the rain just keeps falling. The German soldiers have yet again launched a counter-attack near Thiepval, they are certainly determined. Henry Rawlinson has also spent the day watching the new tanks in training and remarked to a colleague that whilst he was impressed with them, he thought that their crews needed much more training for battle conditions to make them ready.  

Day fifty-eight of the battle, soldiers are uncomfortably soaked and are extremely tired after the numerous counter-attacks of the past week that have been launched by the German's. We received the news today that Italy has declared war on Germany, but that won't make much difference to the soldiers here in the trenches, especially the Third Brigade who have just launched an attack at Grevillers.

As week number eight and day fifty-nine draws to a close I am to report that due to the considerable rainfall of the previous few days, the conditions here in the trenches are getting worse, with some trenches reportedly being ankle deep in water. In other news, Launcelot Kiggell has paid a visit to Henry Rawlinson today, where they have spent their time discussing the best way to use the tanks in battle. 

Remember to check back on the 4th September for the latest news. 

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